Libec RSP-750PDS |...
6 750,00 €
Découvrez le système de piédestal vidéo Libec RSP-750PDS avec tête fluide – un summum de stabilité et de précision pour la production vidéo...
Le système de trépied en fibre de carbone Libec RSP-750MC est conçu pour les productions vidéo haute performance, offrant stabilité et précision. Sa tête fluide robuste, avec contrebalancement continu et réglage de friction, supporte des charges allant jusqu’à 17 kg, idéal pour les caméras professionnelles et leurs accessoires. Les jambes en fibre de carbone assurent une structure légère mais robuste, avec une plage de hauteur de 85 à 173,5 cm pour des angles de prise de vue polyvalents. L’écarteur de niveau intermédiaire inclus garantit la stabilité sur des surfaces irrégulières, tandis que les pieds en caoutchouc offrent une adhérence sûre. Le système de plateau coulissant permet une installation rapide, et le niveau à bulle éclairé simplifie l’alignement en faible luminosité. Parfait pour une utilisation en studio et sur le terrain, le RSP-750MC allie fonctionnalités avancées et fiabilité pour un tournage fluide.
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The perfect controllability captures every single movement. Setup, shooting and transportation. Excellent, user-friendly for all situations. Libec's stylish and highly-developed technology leads to a new tripod range. From the studio to the EFP and OB, RS PLUS series is the perfect tripod system for every broadcast production.
The spring tension of the head can be precisely adjusted according to the weight of the mounted camera using the counterbalance adjustment knob. This provides a perfect counterbalance between the camera weight and the innerspring tension at any tilt angle.
Libec’s unique balance stabilizer mechanism prevents even the slightest wobble on the image caused by the spring-back effect at a stopping tilt movement. In addition, this mechanism greatly simplifies the strict adjustment procedures needed for perfect balancing. First, turn the tilt torque dial to 1 and balance the camera lengthwise. Then, adjust the spring tension by turning the counterbalance adjustment knob. Tilt the camera, once the camera remains stationary, then the counterbalance adjustment is complete. This way, the “perfect counterbalance” is easily achieved, which ensures a stable image even when the pan handle is released from the shooter’s hands.
Generally, the spring tension gets stronger as the counterbalance adjustment knob is turned clockwise, increasing tension on the knob. This difficulty is simplified by the head’s smooth balancing system which stabilizes the turning force efficiently. The knob can be turned with constant force and offers easy and speedy adjustments.
The sealed torque unit contributes to the smooth start and stop of pan and tilt movement, and produces precise camerawork just as intended. In addition, specific silicon grease is applied to ensure ordinary pan and tilt movement at a wide temperature range from -40° C/-40° F up to +60° C/+140° F. The variable seven-step torque switch system covers remarkably wide torque range, by which an optimum torque is selectable according to every shooting conditions and circumstances.
The camera plate is attachable and detachable with just one touch, promoting speedy and easy setup.
The case is equipped with two wheels and can be pulled along by the side handle grip, which allows easy transportation on foot. Damages are prevented by the soft and hard protectors on all sides of the case which absorb impacts, while the inner strap holds the tripod firmly in place. This all-round tripod case is designed with high rigidity and can be safely transported as a check-in luggage during flight.
Importance of counterbalance
When looking for a suitable tripod head for your camera, one of the most important aspects to consider is counterbalancing capability. The counterbalancing function provides a counterforce to keep the balance between the tripod head and the camera that is mounted on it. If the right counterbalance is maintained, the camera remains stationary at any angle of tilt. You do not need to worry about holding the camera by hand and yet are able to maintain precise control of the camera.
Counterbalancing capability
RS/RS PLUS/QD is equipped with an excellent counterbalancing system that provides a perfect counterforce that corresponds to the weight and angle of the camera. A special innerspring mechanism is used for this system. When the strength of a spring is insufficient, the head cannot bear the weight of the camera. If a spring is too strong, the camera will tilt upward. RS/RS PLUS/QD "variable counterbalance system" enables users to adjust the strength of the innerspring within a certain range using the counterbalance knob located on the outside of the head. Different cameras can be used and a perfect counterbalance can be set for each individual camera.
Counterbalance chart to help you choose the perfect tripod head
The definitive way to find the most accurate counterbalance between camera/accessories and a tripod head is to actually mount the camera on the head. However, you can use this counterbalance chart to get a rough idea of the correct counterbalance. The vertical axis of the chart depicts the height of the gravitational center and the horizontal axis is load weight (total weight of the camera and accessories). Based on the combination of these two elements, you can find a suitable tripod head for your camera. The area between the two curved lines represents the range of counterbalance that you can set with the counterbalance adjustment knob. When a standard lens, microphone and battery are used, the normal height of the gravitational center is approximately 200mm/7.9"(box lens), 125mm/4.9"(shoulder type camera) and 75mm/3"(hand-held camera) The height of the gravitational center will not shift much even when a different lens or a different battery is used on the back of the camera. Please be aware that attaching a light or a monitor on top of the camera will shift the center of gravity.
Head (RHP75)
Tripod (RT50C)
Midspreader (BR-6B)
Large rubbber feet (FP-2B)
Carrying case
Counterbalance range 5.5 to 14kg / 12.0 to 31.0lb (C.G.125mm)
Payload 17kg / 37.5lb
Counterbalance Continuous
Drag mode 7STEP
Tilt angle +90° / -70°
Weight 7.5kg / 16.5lb
Height 85 to 173.5cm / 33.5 to 68.5"
Ball diameter 100mm
Section 2STAGE
Fiche technique
Références spécifiques