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Audio processors and converters are essential tools for professional audio recording and processing applications. These devices are designed to capture and process high-quality audio signals, and to convert audio signals between various formats for transmission and playback.
Magewell and several other well-known brands offer a wide range of high-quality audio processors and converters for professional use with Dante support. Dante is a digital audio networking technology that enables high-quality, low-latency audio signal transmission over IP networks.
Magewell's line of audio processors and converters with Dante support includes the Pro Convert for NDI® to Dante, which provides reliable and low-latency video and audio signal transmission with support for up to 16 channels of Dante audio. Other notable features include support for AAC, PCM, and MP3 audio formats, as well as adjustable video scaling and frame rate conversion.
Other well-known brands in the audio processors and converters market with Dante support include Audinate, which is the creator of the Dante technology, and offers a range of Dante-enabled devices including audio interfaces, mixers, and processors. Other popular brands with Dante support include Allen & Heath, Yamaha, and Shure, which offer a range of professional-grade audio processors and converters with Dante connectivity.